Monday, March 2, 2009


Its always the times I'm busiest I decide to write. So I have no time to write. :P ...If i were to write about my day, it would be really depressing. stress, homework, mental breakdown, shots, singing, dance, acting, overall grumpiness directed towards gum stealers. and my neck hurts. but Today, after I finished crying and having a horrible day, I thought how miserable I was and how i realllyyyy reallyyy wanted a friend to call me and tell me how wonderful i was and how much they loved me, because after another nightmare about my best friend ditching me, I was pretty lonely and self-esteem deficient. Then I thought about how often I called other people like that. So I called someone. Someone I haven't talked to in a while, and even though IM the one with the bad day I tried to sound happy and told them how much i appreciated them...I told them exactly what I wanted to be told. and then I sat in front of my computer and ate chocolate chips to keep myself happy. BADDD habit. :( I am a sinner. ...anwayy, now I'm failing again and wishing I could move to another state and be with my friends. And feeling very, very depressed. And lonely. And quite miserable. But Im not bitter.

...Life is good. LIFE IS GOOD. I AM HAPPYYYY. so happy.
...the sun was shining yesterday. and i went for a 2.5 hour drive, and it was lovely. Listened to some soothing vienna teng. sang I umm did something good...umm i got a 97 on my math test, and brought my grade up!! yay. ...I I had a greattt voice lesson. Well, it was ok. But compared to the rest of my day, it was great. And I decided to not do forensics. Stressful. And I am going to hang out with friends this weekend. YAY. I havent seen half of these people since december, and more than half since uhhh maybe november or october. sadd sadd sadd. sadd, too, that I can't figure out proper percentages... My math teacher would be ashamed. Not that the 56 on my math test wasnt ashaming enough LAST month.....but hey, this month was good. So I AM HAPPYYY. things....I found my contacts this morning. that made me happy. And when I yelled at mom today and was really mean and sarcastic and cutting, she was just quiet. And I started crying and she wasn't mean back. That was a definite plus. Thanks mom. Annnddd...good Hot n' spicy cheez its are nice. ohh im horrible at trying to be positive when I am NOT in a good mood. Why do i always write when I'm grumpy??? Probalby so other people will feel sorry for me. Its for attention, I know it is. :( I am soo pathetic. hahahahahaha...okay, what good things happened itn your day today???