Friday, November 5, 2010


I slept in late today, spent 45 minutes in the bathtub BEFORE taking a shower, and read Laura Ingalls Wilder books into the afternoon. I finished up my college application with the help of Mom and Mary Bethie, and I called BYU to tell them that the ACT score showing up was the WRONG ONE and I deserved ONE MORE POINT. Because, you know, that's a big difference.

It was a quiet day in spanks and a t-shirt, wrapped up in a blanket with no makeup. I didn't really talk to any friends, and I didn't run or dance much. My hand is hurting less, and my ankles are relaxing from their smashing and twisting last night, and I felt less nauseated than usual...It was a good, quiet, relaxing day.

What I do feel right now is completely and totally miserable that my sisters aren't here to laugh and eat and watch bones with me. I miss giving endless back rubs. I miss staying up late talking and going shopping and for walks. I miss convincing Mom to let us watch a movie. I miss cooking and even cleaning (or avoiding it). I miss talking about boys with Elise. I really really miss all of my sisters and Rachael and I are intensely jealous that 3 of us are all together in Utah!! I am so anxious for Christmas to get here so I can hug everyone till they push me away, and we can stay up late eating and talking and remembering to whisper because Dad will come knocking on the door. I want to read scriptures with Elise and talk about books (and get new ones to read!!) with Mary Beth. I want to grump about Ruth making me get water or food for her when it's only 2 feet away from her hand. I want to pretend I like the eggplant Rachael hides in all of her food. I MISS MY SISTERS SO MUCH!!! the other day I was thinking about all the friends I've ever had, and feeling upset that somehow all of those friendships eventually faded or ended...and that sometimes I get tired of being friends with someone and want them to go away. I was flooded with joy when I remembered my 4 best friends, girls who are beautiful and talented and intelligent, and no matter what they will always be exciting and fun and MINE. I love you all so much, and I am excited to share my life with you for FOREVER. No matter WHAT, we will always be best friends.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

elegy for beowulf

High the height of Grendel’s head

Murdering maw, payer of warrior’s wages

Bones broken for their braveness.

He, horror of Heorot, bloodied the bright banquets.

Head of hell, Dane-destroyer.

Brave the blood in Beowulf’s veins.

Salvation to strangers, God-given charity,

Strength revolutionary.

Far from Geatland sailed he, his goal framed gallantly.

Veins valorous, noble man.

Fool the fiend, to seek to strive

With that great Geat. Too late! Far flown the time to flee.

Yet ran he, leaving, they write,

An arm. An arm, ripped from its rest by Geat so brave.

Strife-sacked, Blood-biter ran dead.

Good the Geat who sailing home

Brought glory to his king with great gifts and stories

Handsome to hear and behold.

Triumphant over evil, yet humble was he.

Home from Heorot, the destined king.

Long the length of time he served

Protecting his people, vanquishing the vermin

Of Cain’s cursed loins. The dragon,

Gold-greedy, wreaked havoc, angry as a lion,

Served burnt fields and fright to Geatland.

Right the ruler who stands to fight.

But savage snapping snake, fooler of Eve, that demon,

Knows much of inflicting pain.

Heavy the toll of the blows, loud the battle din.

Fight on, may angels lead you.

Dark the day when brave men bow

Abandoned by friends, forsaken by the trusted.

Fighting weary and weakened,

The fiery flower of youth fallen and faded

Bow to weight of age and time.

Oh my king, my lord,

You’ll not fight alone!

I’m weak and young, the least of your host.

But to you, my lord, I’ll run to your aid.

Stand steady, my lord,

You’ll not fight alone.

Gone the Geat, my lord, my liege.

The snake struck shoulder with foul fangs; his days were spent.

Cries of anguish tore the night.

The lizard, dead by Beowulf’s blow, healed not the split,

Liege lord, nor the split in my heart.

Oh my king, my lord,

You’ll not fight alone!

I am weak and young, the least of your host.

But for you, my lord, I’ll fight for your cause.

Steady me, my lord,

I’ll not fight alone.

Friday, October 8, 2010

stop and take a couple seconds~~~

stop speaking, stop listening, stop moving.
get back in touch with your body...speak to your skin, listen to your heartbeat, move your focus within.
lie still, and remember what it feels like to be able to feel.

mmkay, now go back into hell. gofightwin!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

this is what i feel:

and it hurts.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

86 lovers

  1. i love lying on the driveway and looking up at the stars on a warm and breezy night
  2. i love waking with sun streaming through my window and birds arguing in the trees
  3. i love planning road trips and vacations with my friends and family
  4. i love counting down days
  5. i love finishing something I've been dreading
  6. i love cinnamon toast
  7. i love texts from justin torrance. they are so weird
  8. i love looking at pictures that i'm pretty in. it makes me feel good about myself
  9. i love having nice-looking nails
  10. i love making people laugh
  11. i love falling asleep in church while mom scratches my back
  12. i love finding a song that says exactly what i feel
  13. i love coming up with great comebacks that make me feel like a ninja that just hit their target
  14. i love catching someone looking at me and knowing they think i'm pretty
  15. i love dancing to lady gaga and beyonce
  16. i love messing up mom and dad's bed just after they've made it
  17. i love sleeping in until 2 minutes before seminary so mom spazes out and thinks i forgot...and showing up on time
  18. i love reading scriptures while i eat grapes
  19. i love getting new music
  20. i love wearing my hair straight
  21. i love my new jean capri pants
  22. i love bonfires
  23. i love making new friends
  24. i love birthdays
  25. i love turning my music up as loud as it can go and dancing and singing like a freak in my clean room
  26. i love when the stain comes out in the wash
  27. i love heels. they may be shoes invented by guys to make girls' butts look smaller, but i love them
  28. i love action movies
  29. i love listening to a rap/ghetto song that i know all the lyrics to, and feeling awesome when i break it downn!!
  30. i love tipping mom over when she is trying to hold a difficult yoga pose
  31. i love hugging daddy when he gets home from work
  32. i love the anticipation before the disappointment
  33. i love re-reading a peice i've just written and realizing that it is fantastic
  34. i love having clean-shaven legs
  35. i love when a boy picks a flower and puts it in my hair
  36. i love walking with my friends to class
  37. i love talking all through math class and laughing so hard i cant breathe
  38. i love smiling, it makes everything feel like it's under control
  39. i love second chances
  40. i love new earrings
  41. i love that just-brushed clean feeling ;)
  42. i love my happy days
  43. i love running in the rain
  44. i love the second kiss
  45. i love sleeping with 4 pillows
  46. i love walking barefoot in the grass
  47. i love swinging on the swing set until i feel like i am going to throw up
  48. i love sitting in barnes and noble and reading childrens books by myself, or doing mad libs with friends
  49. i love cedar point
  50. i love the nice boys
  51. i love staying up late with dad when mom is in bed
  52. i love interrupting scripture study with inapplicable comments or questions
  53. i love the real moments
  54. i love talking to my sisters on the phone
  55. i love hearing the girls say, "rosinn!!!"
  56. i love audrey hepburn
  57. i love doing community service bake sale prep...singing at the top of our voices to kelly clarkson and rhianna, and showing each other sweet hip hop moves...i learned how to take of a hoodie with my foot!! ...and eating rice krispy treats and pizza and fun
  58. i love miss kubinski's class...i love her insight and her willingness to say, " that's wrong," to the stupid comments, and her little eye rolls when the obnoxious kid says something...and i love her concern and honesty for her students
  59. i love my seminar
  60. i love being able to say "im allergic to dogs" so they get their stupid animal away from me
  61. i love taking boys shopping
  62. i love girls' night...chick flicks, junk food, shopping, makeovers...ohh yeah
  63. i love white t-shirts and jeans
  64. i love juicy oranges
  65. i love sweating through my shirt
  66. i love mastering a really hard breakdance move... and forgetting it so i have to re-learn it the next day...but it's so much easier the second time :)
  67. i love getting home frustrated with all the bad singers who belt their songs and people think they're awesome, so i sit down and sing opera till my voice is dry...and feel better cuz they couldn't to save their lives
  68. i love challenging authority
  69. i love making my friends feel better, even if we don't talk about the problem
  70. i love driving home with marlee every day and pausing at the mall or culvers' on the way
  71. i love finishing up the school year
  72. i love pulling up my grades at the last minute
  73. i love new pencils
  74. i love people playing with my hair
  75. i love releasing after holding a stretch for a long time....especially stretching for splits
  76. i love feeling really warmed up, so i sound good singing anything
  77. i love writing in my journal
  78. i love roses
  79. i love being able to put my emotions aside and do what i know i should even if i don't want to...because i have to stick with my reputation, i can't say one thing and do another...and i have to stick up for myself. some things shouldn't be forgiven, or at least not forgotten
  80. i love my sisters
  81. i love hanging out with myself
  82. i love recharging my phone and realizing i have 3 missed calls, 2 voice messages, and 9 text messages, all from different people
  83. i love watching my hair grow out so i can put increasing amounts of hair in a ponytail :)
  84. i love waiting to see how long it takes people to notice i have a new blog post
  85. i love being able to stick to something, not changing my mind at the last minute
  86. i love the feeling of hope

Monday, March 15, 2010

yay spring.

During the musical, Zada and I used to hide under the bed backstage and watch for people coming through the see-through fabric of the bedspread... and we commentated their steps in growly monster voices. "Right. Left. Right. Left. Stop. Turn. Right. Right. Left. Right. Stop. Bend over. YOU FOUND ME!!!" we did it every single night during intermission, before the show, was so fun. People always got so confused, because they thought they were alone in the empty hall...

Today, as I walked to class and to my car, I could hear us in my head...right, left, right left. The funny voices were gone. And I realized that I was not commentating my movements--I was trying to motivate them.

It wasn't funny anymore.