Sunday, November 13, 2011

Doccumentation of Date Night!!

K, really fast--yesterday was Veteran's day, or as soldiers who are not yet veterans call it, "Kiss a Soldier Day" ...I made Chris an awesome card. It had a picture taped inside of me as a little girl glaring, and it said, "Dear Chris, this is my sad face. When I see you, it goes away. That is because you make me happy. I am proud of you and your desire to serve your country. Love, Rosalind" ...we celebrated by going to the dollar theater to watch Cowboys and Aliens, and going on a walk. It was super fun except for the part where one of the girls in our group got her fingers shut in the car door. Chris made a splint out of a tongue depressor and taped up her fingers, but they looked pretty bad. I don't think they are broken, but I wouldn't be surprised if the bones were badly bruised or even fractured. We took her home and got her some ibuprofen and ice, and left her with her roommates to watch Jayne Eyre. Chris and I went back to his apartment to make cinnamon banana muffins. Pretty sure cooking and going on walks are our favorite things to do together :)

Today was such a fun date night. Chris and I made Chicken Tikka Masala, except we were missing a few ingredients so there was a bit of improvisation. Since we didn't have half of the spices, we doubled what we did have so it would still have lots of flavor. Ex: 1 garlic clove=3 garlic cloves, 1 jalapeno= 2 jalapenos, ect. ...and just in case, we threw in a TON of red pepper flakes, Chris' all-time favorite ingredient. It turned out very good and VERY spicy. I think my mouth will take some time to heal. Anyway, it was yummy and my
roommates like it a lot. While we were waiting for the chicken to marinate, we decided to make gingerbread cookies from the mix mom and dad sent. We cut a few with the cutter, but it was a lot more fun to make our own shapes. Kieren and Rosie joined us here...Kieren made a unicorn, Rosie stuck with flowers. And Chris and I created Dr. Seuss characters. Can you guess this one? It is the Lorax, on top of a Truffala tree! I made the tree, and Chris made the Lorax. The cookies were delicious, thanks Mom!! ...We also watched Silverado. I was craving a good western after watching Cowboys and Aliens last night--which seriously scared me to death. I jumped every time those aliens appeared. They freaked me out. Anyway, it was fun to watch Silverado (Thank you netflix!!) and eat cookies. Oh, and we had another adventure while things were cooking... My generous English teacher has decided to give me an extension. For a price. I had to write a 2-page list of things I was willing to do for an extension, take it to class for her to read, and allow her to choose 7 things from the list. For every day I turn in the paper late, I have to perform one of the tasks she chose. And, since she needs physical evidence I really did them all, I have to make videos documenting my adventures. Chris enthusiastically volunteered to commentate and film for me, and today we performed task #1: Sticking my foot in the toilet and flushing it. Chris had the bright idea to post the video on youtube, I don't have to bring my teacher a if you want to see it, click on this:
Anyway, after all of this excitement, Chris left around 12, and I spent an hour writing and editing my personal narrative (see below!!) Now it's around 3 a.m., and I am going to get some sleep. I have church tomorrow, and Chris, Danny, Tim and I are going to Chris' Aunt's house for Sunday Dinner. Woot!!


  1. Looks like a fun day! I took my dad to lunch for Veteran's Day, and I think I kissed him on the check, so I've got that covered.
    You are cooking such fun stuff! I'm glad you and Chris like cooking and walking--those are favorites for dad and me, too.
    Good luck with your next couple of papers. It's good that you are such a great writer. You really are, and it's a blessing to you when you're cranking them out. Love you, sweetheart.

  2. hmm, i think you should say, "Thank you,Elise, for paying for my netflix movies!!" oh yeah, that sounds better.
