Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Me, Being A Pessimist.

Happy New Year!! The time every year that I eat way too much food, get no sleep, make resolutions I never keep, and begin to write my dates wrong again. Ruth is upstairs taking care of the food, the sleep part comes later, so I guess I should take care of resolutions now. I bounced around the idea of loosing 15 Ibs, but I just had a physical and Mom brought up my weight, and the Doctor said I'm already low for my height, and most of my weight is muscle anyway...She said the max I could loose without being really ill is maybe 5 Ibs. I think I will change my resolution from focusing on the weight aspect to the health aspect...mental and physical.

To be healthy.
read scriptures, write in journal, pray, and study hard for school every day
excercise min. .5 hour daily, eat lots of fruits and vegetables and desserts and fats minimally...preferably not at all.

okay, well that's kind of a big resolution...but I'm trying to be optomistic and not tell myself I'm going to fail. Right now, I'm doing really well on excercise...well not NOW, but I was and will be when break is over...I'm thinking the scriptures, food, and praying portion will be hardest, since they are not developed habits as of right now....even though some of them used to be. But that's okay!! I'll fix it...

...Well, I turned down a sleepover invite to hang out with my family tonight, and I'm here sitting at the computer. I think I'd better run upstairs and help out on the food front...New Year's resolutions don't start until New Year's DAY, right? ...haha... mfth. Okay, yeah...Maybe I should add, "not procrastinating" to the long list...oh well, up I go.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Now that I have this Blog, I feel a strange need to fill it all up so it looks....not neglected? Sure, that works. But I have little or nothing to write about...I am tired and feel BLEEHH because
1) I haven't exercised in almost a week and a half....and I am used to exercising anywhere from 10 to 15 hours a week.
2) I have been eating a LOTT of's Christmas, DUH! And the one time I did eat healthfully-ish, I threw it all up...correlation? I think not.
3) Lack of sleep. Self-explanatory
4) I have a speech to write, memorize, and give in a little less than 2 weeks. Hm, what shall I write about, I wonder?
5) Cleaning that I need to be doing. Also self-explanatory.

...I think now, since I feel guilty for my bad choices and procrastination, I will go rectify some of these things.

Well, Glory Be!!

Well, Rosalind has finally caved in to peer pressure and, with the help of a very wise and knowledgeable older sibling, created her own blog. Joy. I suppose now I have it I will have to write frequently and keep family updated on my comings and goings...Now, no doubt, Elise will stop calling me. Sniff sniff. This week has been interesting...6 of my 11 family members threw up, 4 of them in the same night. Thank goodness for popcorn bowls and warm blankets, and sympathetic, caring parents. Glory be, (did I really just write that?) I felt completely well after throwing up for the third I was able to conduct my day today without the hindrance of calling the dinosaurs. Today I had a friend over, and together we made--um, well I guess I can't call them smoothies--ice cream-mixed-with-bananas-strawberries-and-raspberries. We watched Spirit while we ate/drank, and then we ran to the mall together...where I bought a new shirt and pair of shoes. YAY...I hear a damsel in distress...I must run to clean the bathroom. Horray....