Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Now that I have this Blog, I feel a strange need to fill it all up so it looks....not neglected? Sure, that works. But I have little or nothing to write about...I am tired and feel BLEEHH because
1) I haven't exercised in almost a week and a half....and I am used to exercising anywhere from 10 to 15 hours a week.
2) I have been eating a LOTT of sweets...it's Christmas, DUH! And the one time I did eat healthfully-ish, I threw it all up...correlation? I think not.
3) Lack of sleep. Self-explanatory
4) I have a speech to write, memorize, and give in a little less than 2 weeks. Hm, what shall I write about, I wonder?
5) Cleaning that I need to be doing. Also self-explanatory.

...I think now, since I feel guilty for my bad choices and procrastination, I will go rectify some of these things.

1 comment:

  1. The best way I found of dealing with sweets is to use them to bribe little nieces to sit on your lap. That way you get the niece and she get the sweets, and everyone's happy!
